The exit rate on a page is the percentage of times that this page was the last page viewed during a visit. In other words, what proportion of visits stopped on that page.
Tracking the exit rate on a page can help you assess the quality and relevance of your page content, as well as the clarity of the proposed navigation paths.
This metric does not exist natively in Piano Analytics, however it is possible to obtain this information through custom metrics.
To find out the exit rate from page A, the calculation to be performed is as follows:
Visits during which the exit page is the page A / Visits during which the page A is loaded
To implement this calculation in the interface, two segments must first be created:
- The first one must define the visits whose exit page is page A
- The second must define the visits during which page A is loaded
Once the segments have been configured, the custom metric must be created:
Caution, this type of custom metric can only be used for a single page. It will therefore be necessary to build two segments and a custom metric for each page in order to obtain its exit rate.