This article is only relevant to you if you already declared Settings in Analytics Suite 2, analytics solution preceding Piano Analytics.
If your experience with us started with Piano Analytics directly, you are not concerned.
As an Analytics Suite 2 user, you probably already set specific configurations within the dedicated "Settings" interface:
These configurations allowed managing various components of your analytics solution: create ID based campaigns, declare level 2 sites, or goal pages....
Now that you've migrated to Piano Analytics the time has come to clean the configurations and move on to the next thing.
Consequently, on November 1, 2023 Settings interface will reach sunset and be replaced by a new "Legacy Settings" interface accessible from Data Management.
Some configurations will simply disappear, replaced by new Piano Analytics native functionalities. Others will be migrated and become fully integrated product configuration.
Let's dive in details
Marketing campaigns
Status : deprecated (declaration)
Alternative : Tag first
Interface availability : 6 months (withdrawal on May 1st, 2024)
Marketing campaign declaration was a requirement on Analytics Suite 2.
Each campaign was associated to an ID. This very ID that you found in your historical campaign tagging (xtor=AD-301)!
Today, you can directly specify a campaign name from the tagging and the campaign will get it automatically.
Legacy Settings interface L'interface will allow you until May 1st, 2024 to rely on its dedicated internal matching table crossing your campaign IDs and their labels. Declaring a new marketing campaign is no longer possible.
Required actions: Previously declared IDs will still work, you just won't be able to create new ones.
Replace your ID based xtor campaigns with at_ campaign tagging using labels. Legacy Settings interface will allow you, until May 1st, 2024 to check the historically declared campaigns.
User categories
Status: deprecated (declaration)
Alternative: Tag first
Interface availability: 6 months (withdrawal on May 1st, 2024)
User category declaration was a requirement in Analytics Suite 2.
Each user category declared was associated to an ID. This ID was the one used in your historical tagging.
Nowadays, you can directly specify the category name from the tagging.
Legacy Settings will allow you until May 1st, 2024 to rely on its dedicated internal matching table crossing your categories IDs and labels. Declaring a new user category is no longer possible.
Required actions: Previously declared IDs will still work, you just won't be able to create new ones.
Replace your ID based category tagging by labels. Legacy Settings interface will allow you, until May 1st, 2024 to check the historically user categories.
Status : deprecated (declaration)
Alternative: Tag first
Interface availability: 6 months (withdrawal on May 1st, 2024)
Self-promotion campaign declaration was a requirement in Analytics Suite 2.
Each campaign was associated to an ID. This very ID that you found in your historical campaign tagging.
Nowadays, you can directly give it a campaign name from the tagging and the campaign will get it automatically.
Legacy Settings will allow you until May 1st, 2024 to rely on its dedicated internal matching table crossing your campaign IDs and labels. Declaring a new user self-promotion campaign is no longer possible.
Required actions: Previously declared IDs will still work, you just won't be able to create new ones.
Replace your self-promotion ID based campaigns by label based campaigns. Legacy Settings interface will allow you, until May 1st, 2024 to check the historically declared campaigns.
Goal pages
Status: deprecated (declaration)
Alternatives: Tag first or Data Management (processing rule)
Interface availability: 6 months (withdrawal on May 1st, 2024)
Goal page declaration was a requirement in Analytics Suite 2.
Each goal (required for conversions) was associated to a given page recorded with its associated level 2 site.
Nowadays, you can directly specify a goal from the tagging.
Legacy Settings will allow you until May 1st, 2024 to rely on its dedicated internal matching table crossing your pages and goals. Declaring goals is no longer possible.
Required actions:
Setting up the dedicated tagging to retrieve achieved goals (any event can trigger a conversion, while in Analytics Suite only page.display was used in goal validation).
Declare a goal with Data Management (processing rule).
Custom tree structure
Status: deprecated
Alternative: Tag first
Interface availability: -
Custom tree structure gives an alternative view of your content. The functionality hasn't been migrated as it was in Piano Analytics.
Your historical custom tree structure have been migrated as enrichments.
Required actions: If you wish to create new content in your custom tree structure, you can use dedicated properties from the Data Model (page_customcatX) and feed them from the tagging.
Custom organic sources
Status: Ongoing migration
Alternative: New product (Default Sources Model)
Interface availability: Release expected for Q4 2023 / early Q1 2024
Declaring custom organic sources allows you to edit the source detection algorithm given by default by Piano Analytics.
A major redesign of the detection source module is expected to come out in Q4 2023. Custom organic sources created historically through Settings will be migrated within this new product.
Until this new product is out, custom organic sources can be read in Legacy Settings. Creating new custom organic sources will resume with the new product.
Required actions: You can still check your historically created custom organic sources in Legacy Settings. Creating new custom organic sources will be back with the new source module.
Traffic exclusions and monitoring
Status: Ongoing migration
Alternative: Updated version of existing product (Traffic exclusions and monitoring)
Interface availability: Release expected for Q1 2024
Declaring traffic monitoring and exclusions allows you to set up actions (monitoring/exclusions) on specific IP addresses. This can help you not getting your internal traffic within your analysis (which would alter your results and potentially lead to false conclusions).
Cette fonctionnalité va être portée sur Piano Analytics au sein d'un espace dédié.
Required actions: You can still check and/or declare traffic monitoring and exclusions with Legacy Settings until Traffic monitoring and exclusions has been updated.
Level 2 sites (access rights)
Status: Available
Interface availability: Live
Declaring level 2 sites allows a thin access right management.
This functionality is no longer supported for new customers, but only historical customers that use to rely on this configuration.
This functionality not being migrated to the current solution, level 2 management will only remain in Legacy Settings.
Please note that Piano Analytics can use level 2 sites to aggregate data on a thinner perimeter for measured content through tagging. This is different from declared level 2 used for access rights.
Required actions: None. Keep reading and creating level 2 sites but from Legacy Settings.
Previously listed configurations being mostly built for Analytics Suite 2, we want to help you make the best use of Piano Analytics and its new possibilities.
Please, feel free to reach out to our support centre should you have any question regarding planning or required actions.