Measurement creation
Once in the Measurement interface accessible from Data Management, simply click on the "+" button in the bottom right-hand corner to initiate Measurement creation.
The following panel will open:
The first block of general information contains :
The initial information on the display label and description is there for easy retrieval in the interface; you can add the information of your choice and even modify it later.
In the configuration section, you'll find the information you need to make the Measurement work properly:
- The display label, so you can find it in the interface
- Description to provide context
- Scope: two options are available, site or organization. When a Measurement is set to organizational scope, this means that the same information will be replicated regardless of the site selected in the interface. For example, for the weather, this is the ideal scope. Site scope corresponds to a Measurement that will have different values depending on the site(s) selected for analysis. For example, a Measurement with analytical objectives such as sales will often be on site scope, as the objectives may be different from one site to another.
- Categories are used to classify the Measurement in order to understand what it contains. This information has no impact on operation, and can be modified at a later date.
- The granularity determines the time period you are interested in for your Measurement. This depends on the data at your disposal, which can be monthly, daily or hourly.
In the configuration insert, this is the information required for the Measurement to function correctly:
- Measurement key: this will be used to send data, and is the value that will be used to identify the Measurement that will receive the data.
- The value: there may be several of these, all the values you wish to send. For example, let's imagine a "Weather" Measurement and you want to send the temperature as well as the humidity, you'll create two values, one for the temperature and the other for the humidity.
Once configured, you can press the code symbol to see what the object to be used for sending data will look like:
Note that the properties will have to be replaced by the properties of your choice, e.g. for the weather you can use the Country property and the Region property to send the weather more precisely. No configuration is required for this step.
Creating associated metrics
Once the Measurement has been created, it is necessary to create one or more metrics to be able to use it in our interfaces. Simply click on the Associated metrics tab on the side panel and click on the New metric button.
The following fields will be available:
- Display label: this is the name of your metric, which you can modify later.
- Description, you can explain your metric in a few words so that everyone understands what it represents
- MetricKey, this is the technical information required to use your metric via our API
Display type, important for formatting the metric
Precision, when the display type can be decimal, you can select the number of digits after the decimal point - Time aggregation, to explain this it's best to use an example. Let's imagine you send the value 2000 on Monday, then the value 1000 on Tuesday. In your analysis interface, you select a period containing Monday and Tuesday. Time aggregation will define the expected result: is it a sum and you want to obtain 3000? Ideal when the information is summable, such as sales. Would you prefer an average? Ideal for information such as weather and temperature.
- Aggregation on properties, when you've added property information to your Measurement to better qualify it, what information should be returned if you don't select that property when analyzing a Measurement-based metric. Should we sum the information? Average them? etc.
- Visibility, i.e. whether the metric should be visible to everyone, or only to its creator.