On-the-fly actions
It is possible to interact with the tiles to analyze the data they present in different ways:
- Click on the name of a metric to replace it with another metric available in the report
- Click on the "view " icon of a tile to change the default graphic display
Full screen tiles
Click on the icon at the top right of a tile to open it in full screen: you will then be able to interact with the report exactly as in Explorer.
The full screen view allows you to further explore and manipulate the data synthesized in the tile. The manipulations performed are not saved when you leave this view so as not to alter the initial content of the tile or the board.
You can combine two properties in a report, grouping their values together. In this way, for example, you can obtain details of cities associated with their country of origin. Breakdown can be activated and deactivated when multiple properties are used in the report.
To activate breakdown, click on the "…" at the end of the property’s cell and click on "Breakdown" to activate the breakdown view in the table.
Below is example where you can see how to active the breakdown (1), and the resulting displays: in a table (2), and a dedicated representation (3).