Content Profiles is available from Workspaces via a dedicated Board.
This Board contains the essential metrics and analyses for evaluating your content based on our expertise. This allows different users in your organization to benefit from the relevant analyses of Content Profiles without having to create specific datasets or think about use cases.
You can duplicate this Board to create a more personalized version if you wish.
Standard Board
A standard Board:
- Allows you to always benefit from the latest updates of Content Profiles - each new feature added by our teams to the Board is automatically shared with your organization and all our clients
- Is available for the entire organization, editable only by administrators – Note that any changes you make will be erased when we update the Board (eventually, standard Boards will no longer be editable by administrators. They will be "reference" Boards offered by Piano)
- Can be "saved as" to be modified by you without our updates overwriting your changes
The Content Profiles Board is divided into two tabs.
Global Audience
Global Audience gives you an overview of your content's performance globally.
📅 By default, the Board is configured to display data from the last 30 days, and your default site. You can change the period and/or sites to display your content's performance across multiple sites/brands simultaneously.
📰 By default, the Board also considers all articles read at least once during the period. If you want to analyze only articles read AND PUBLISHED during the period, you can activate the filter on the "Content - Publication Date" property which will automatically select articles published during the period (the filter is already pre-configured and can be simply activated by clicking on "Add a filter" next to the Board edit button).
Global Audience
➡️ Global Audience KPIs
➡️ Global Audience KPIs Evolution
These two tiles allow you to measure your content's performance globally, with basic Analytics metrics such as:
- Visits
- Visitors
- Page views
- Articles
- Conversions
It is possible to change the metric in the evolution tile.
Page Views by Topics
➡️ Page Views by Topics
This tile allows you to see the evolution of the number of page views by topics covered in these articles, based on the "content_classification_level_1" property. The information from this property is derived from the taxonomy proposed by the IAB.
Content Performance (Resource Allocation)
➡️ Number of Articles Read by Topics
➡️ Page Views by Topics
➡️ Conversions by Topics
These three tiles allow you to quickly see how your content performs by topic, using three key metrics.
They allow you to compare:
- The number of articles read by topic (metric "articles")
- The number of page views by topic (metric "page views")
- The number of conversions by topic (metric "conversions")
This allows you to directly see that the "Media" topic underperforms (many articles written for few page views and conversions).
Content that Converts
To ensure conversions are linked to your articles, and by extension the topics covered, you need the "Content that Converts" feature. This feature allows linking conversions with the last article encountered before them. This feature will be available to all by the end of the year, upon request.
In the meantime, you can replace the "conversions" metric with "converted visits" via the dropdown menu on the tile.
Top Articles
➡️ Page Views by Article
➡️ Conversions by Article
These two tiles correspond to the "Leaderboard" of articles, the top performing articles. On the left, this performance is represented by the "page views" metric, and on the right by the "conversions" metric.
If you don't have conversions associated with your articles, it's because you lack the "Content that Converts" feature (see the green box above). You can replace "conversions" with "converted visits" using the dropdown menu on the tile.
Conversion Measurement by Conversion Type
➡️ Conversions by Goal Type and Topics
This tile allows you to see the number of conversions by goal type and topic covered in the articles. If you have Composer Insights, you have several different goal types by default.
Acquisition and Traffic Sources
➡️ Page Views by Article from Google
➡️ Page Views by Article from Facebook
➡️ Page Views by Article from X
➡️ Page Views by Topics from Google
➡️ Page Views by Topics from Facebook
➡️ Page Views by Topics from X
These six tiles allow you to easily understand what type of content generates traffic according to the three main sources: Google, Facebook, and X.
The three tiles at the top represent the top articles for each of these sources, while the three tiles at the bottom allow you to see the share of page views generated for each topic according to the traffic source.
➡️ Page Views by Country
➡️ Page Views by Region and City
These two tiles allow you to understand where the people consuming content on your sites mainly come from.
Audience by Topics
Audience by Topics allows you to get an overview of your content's performance regarding a specific topic or any other information. You will be able to delve into what interests you.
🔍 For relevance, this tab must be filtered by a topic ("content_classification_*"), or another Content Profiles property. To do this, click on "Add a filter" next to the Board edit button, and select the filter and value you are interested in. For example, to filter on articles that talk about "technology," I do as follows:
❗ It is not possible to combine more than two Content Profiles properties together. Indeed, the Analytics API has a limitation preventing by default the combination of more than two "array strings" properties together. Since some tiles are already filtered on a default Content Profiles property, it will not be possible to filter on multiple different Content Profiles properties.
Audience Linked to the Topic (or Other Filter)
➡️ Audience KPIs
➡️ Performance of Articles on the Topic Over Time
These two tiles allow you to measure your content's performance regarding the topic you have filtered on, with basic Analytics metrics such as:
- Visits
- Visitors
- Page views
- Number of articles
- Conversions
It is possible to change the metric in the evolution tile.
Top Articles Linked to the Topic (or Other Filter)
➡️ Article Leaderboard
Top articles mentioning the topic based on the number of conversions generated by these articles.
Content that Converts
To ensure conversions are linked to your articles, and by extension the topics covered, you need the "Content that Converts" feature. This feature allows linking conversions with the last article encountered before them. This feature will be available to all by the end of the year, upon request.
In the meantime, you can replace the "conversions" metric with "converted visits" via the dropdown menu on the tile.
Acquisition and Traffic Sources
➡️ Traffic Sources Main KPIs
➡️ Visits by Social Media
➡️ Visits by Referrer Site
➡️ Visits by Marketing Source
These four tiles allow you to understand how the topic you have filtered on performs from a traffic acquisition perspective.
The first tile gives you the performance (in terms of "visits" by default, modifiable) across all sources, while the three other tiles provide details by:
- Social media
- Referrer sites
- Marketing campaigns
Conversion Funnel
➡️ Conversion Funnel
This very basic conversion funnel allows you to see conversions between the article display and the conversion. This funnel can be adapted by you to best fit your conversion funnel (by adding steps, for example).
Evolution of Conversions by Conversion Type
➡️ Conversions by Goal Type
This tile allows you to see the evolution of your number of conversions by goal type on a particular topic. If you have Composer Insights, you have several different goal types by default.
Other Content Profiles Properties Linked to the Topic
➡️ Top People Sorted by Page Views
➡️ Top Locations Sorted by Page Views
➡️ Top Organizations Sorted by Page Views
These three tiles allow you to better understand the themes covered by the topic you have filtered on in terms of:
- People mentioned
- Geographical areas mentioned
- Organizations (companies, sports clubs, political parties, ...) mentioned