Piano Analytics allows you to measure conversions.
In Analytics, a conversion refers to a specific action you want users to take on your website or application. This action is generally related to your business goals and can vary depending on your industry. Here are some common examples of conversions:
- Purchase: For an e-commerce site, a typical conversion is the purchase of a product.
- Sign-up: For an online service, this could be a user signing up for a newsletter or creating an account.
- Form submission: This can include contact forms, quote requests, or other types of forms.
- Engagement: This can include actions like watching a video to the end, spending a certain amount of time on a page, or interacting with a specific feature of the site.
In Piano Analytics, conversions are measured through "goal types". You can configure these goal types to measure when a user completes the desired action. This allows you to understand the effectiveness of your site or marketing campaigns and optimize your strategies to improve conversion rates.
You can then use conversion metrics such as:
- conversions
- secondary conversions
- conversion rate
- converted visits
And create reports or Boards as follows:
Measuring conversions
There are two ways to measure conversions in Piano Analytics.
The simplest method is to specify on the event that generates the conversion the associated goal type ("goal_type" property). You can then measure a conversion for each visitor subscribing to your newsletter using the following code (js):
Here we will count a conversion (goal type "Signup") each time this event "newsletter.subscription" is sent.
You will find more information in the developer documentation.
Processing rule on the "Goal type" property
It is possible to configure your conversions from Data Management by modifying the processing rule of the "Goal type" property.
Simply create a rule feeding the property with the goal type based on your conditions.
Let's take the example above. We want to measure a conversion for each visitor subscribing to your newsletter. For this, we can create the following rule:
Each time a "newsletter.subscription" event is collected, we associate a "Signup" goal type with it at processing (even if the information was not present in the tagging), thus a conversion.
Of course, it is possible to create more advanced conditions based on your needs.
Content spread on conversion
The "Event based" data model of Piano Analytics provides flexibility in measuring interactions and analyzing user behavior.
The downside is that each event being independent, they do not always share necessary information.
When the conversion occurs on a dedicated event ("form.submit" for example) and this event shares a "pageview_id" with the prior page load, we apply the "page view" scope. The conversion event inherits the page information, allowing us to know the content that helped generate the conversion.
But in most cases, the conversion measured on a dedicated event happens long after the last article viewed by the user. In this case, the "page view" scope does not apply. As a result, we lose the information of the content that helped with the conversion.
Let's consider the following case:
I measured a "Subscription" conversion (in orange) allowing me to know that someone subscribed to my media. However, I do not have information on the conversion event to help me understand why my visitor converted.
I cannot associate a conversion metric with my articles because nothing links them.
With the configurable property "Content spread on conversion" you can automatically propagate information from the last viewed article to the conversion event:
For this same "Subscription" conversion measured, I now have information related to the last viewed article.
I can use my "article" property with conversions to know which articles converted the most, even if the conversion did not occur on the article in question.
This feature allows you to greatly enhance your conversion analysis capabilities, opening up many use cases. It is particularly deployed by default for our Activation Insights module and is highly recommended for Content Profiles.
The "Content spread on conversion" feature can be activated upon request to the support center.
Once the activation is requested, a new property will be available in your data model (hidden):
By modifying the processing rule of this property, you can decide for which conversions you want your article information to be propagated.
When the property is enabled, a default rule is established. This is useful for utilizing our Activation Insights feature. To set up content propagation on your own conversions, it is necessary to manually configure at least one rule on the property.
Let's take the following example:
- Condition 1: Is vx.conversion event
- Default condition, linked to the Activation Insights module.
- Allows propagation of the last viewed article information for all conversions based on the "vx.conversion" event.
- Condition 2: Subscription
- Custom condition.
- Allows propagation of the last viewed article information for all conversions with the goal type "Subscription".
- Condition 3: All conversions - Mobile only
- Custom condition.
- Allows propagation of the last viewed article information for all conversions, only for mobile.
You can create the rules you want. The goal is to define a set of rules allowing the "content_spread_on_conversion" property to take "true" in certain cases, enabling the propagation of the last article information for one or more conversions.
Propagated properties
The list of propagated properties is as follows:
- content_article_name
- content_section
- content_event_url
- content_publication_date
- content_authors
- tags_array