Explorer is a tool for iterative analysis, designed for beginner- and expert-level analysts.
Turnkey analyses available by default can be used as a starting point for exploratory analytic work. Numerous tools (filter, segmentation, combinations…) enable you to explore your data to extract key elements.
Thanks to bridges between Explorer and other tools in the Analytics Suite, your data is more actionable. For example, you can push an analysis done in Explorer to Data Query, where you can then refine the content and create advanced data sets, or send it to a dashboard to facilitate sharing and publication.
Default site
You can pick a default site for your current organization by going to your Profile (in the top-right corner of Explorer > click on your user icon > in the list, click on See profile). In the Default Scope tab you will find a default site list to pick the site you want to have when starting Explorer, Data Query and Data Flow. Pick one site among the list and click on Update profile to apply your changes.
The sites in the list come from your user's access rights on the current organization. If you are a multi-organization user, you might not find the site you need at first, as you might not be in the organization you're looking for. To switch to another organization check out your organization list under your profile and click on the organization you want, then pick a site in the default site list and update your profile.
Default sites are set by organization, which means if you are a multi-organization user, that you also have to pick a default organization. To do so click on the home icon in the organization list, once it is yellow, it means the organization has been picked as your default organization.