An organisation is a set of sites. It represents the functional structure of your business and can include several contracts. More specifically, it is a partitioned space where your data circulates freely. When you create an organisation, a user is assigned as the administrator to manage access rights across the entire organisation. There can be several administrators in an organisation – there is no limit to the number of administrators assigned.
Available information
On the organisation homepage accessible from the Dashboard icon in the vertical menu, you can find:
- The number of users
- The number of sites
- The number of groups
- The administrators list
- The delegation list (if you have delegations activated)
Administrators are users, that can do anything on the organisation and its settings. They can access any tool that would be given by a group, and additionally can handle access rights from the dedicated app.
Administrators edition
Administrators can be created in 2 ways, just like in this GIF for existing users, where you can also revoke their administrator access, or from the user creation on an organisation scope by ticking the dedicated case.
Multi-organisation users
Users can be listed in several organisations (i.e. agencies...). They can find their organisations under the Organisation switch accessible from the top right corner.