A user is an account listed under the organisation associated to an e-mail address and potentially a name and a surname. The account can be given rights or shared documents only accessible within the solution.
SSO Users
If your organisation has enabled the SSO (Single-Sign-On) option, your organisation can have SSO users as well as standard users. SSO users differ from standard users, by the fact that they do not have a Piano Analytics password. They login by login to your company system, and then only specify your company in the Analytics Suite dedicated login form. By doing so, the company is able to shut the user's access to Piano Analytics directly from its own environment's access rights. It can be quite helpful, to ensure that users departing the company no longer access data automatically.
Available information
You can find information on your organisation's users from 2 views.
- Administrator or Delegate status
- E-mail address
- Name
- Surname
- Role(s) given by Teams
- API Keys usage
- Creation date
- Last connection
- Status (Open or Closed).
User page:
- All of the global table information for the concerned user
- Access to sites per Teams (and roles) with the Team's level (delegation or organisation)
- SSO user (if the user is listed as such)
User creation
To create a user you need to click on the dedicated button above Users global table and fill the form with its main information (name, surname, e-mail address) and its rights (either administrator/delegate status from the Main information form or adding groups from the Give access to... form). A user can be added without any rights, if you do not specify administrator/delegate status or groups to add him to.
User addition to a Team
A user can be added to a Team on its creation or its edition, when reaching the 3rd step of the Team edition. They only need to be ticked as shown in the GIF below, but you can see the users listed in the group by using the Selected filters. You can also chose to add all users(only current users) or all current and future users to ensure that all users will benefit from the group's access rights.
Revoke access to a Team
You can revoke access to a Team by 2 different ways. Firstly by editing the Team and reaching the 3rd step as shown in the previous GIF. Secondly, by going to the user's page and click on the dedicated button at the and of the table for the concerned Team, as shown in the GIF below. Please note that Teams applied to all users or all current and future users cannot be edited this way, only the first way.
Setting an end date / suspend access
You can set an end date to a user to ensure the user can no longer login past a specific date making it suspended. Its rights and account will not be deleted, but he will not be able to login. This can help you provide temporary access rights to partners. To do so only pick a date on the Suspend access calendar from the top right button.
User deletion
A user can be deleted from your organisation by clicking on the top right red button from its user page. When a user is deleted, he can no longer login since he does not have any access rights, his documents will no longer be accessible unless their ownership was shared with other users.
Changing a user's e-mail address
To change a user's e-mail address, please reach out to our support services with the concerned user's former and new e-mail address. The request must come from an administrator or a delegate to be handled by our teams.
Export users
From the Users global table, you can export the global view of your users and their attributes, by clicking on the Download button in the top left corner.
Monitor API Key Usage
In the user page top information you can see under the API Key section, the last use of its API Key(s). If you want to have a thinner view of the API Keys used in your organisation please refer to the dedicated article in the External authentication section of the Help Centre.