A group defines a set of users with a specific role (access rights) across a set of sites. A given user can belong to several groups, with different roles across different sites. A site can also belong to several groups.
Available information
You can find information on your organisation groups in 2 ways.
- The group name
- The role given by the group
- The number of sites associated to the group
- The number of users associated to the group
- The delegation associated to the group (if the group has been added from a delegation level)
Group page:
- All information listed in the global group table
- The list of users associated to the group
- The list of sites associated to the group
Group creation
To create a group you need to get in the global group table and click on the dedicated top button. You will then need to specify a name for your group and go through 3 steps.
1. Pick a role
A role is a combination of tools that give you access to specific views and actions.
Roles can be based on sites or the organisation level (applies to all sites under the organisation).
Sites tools:
- Read data: read data from documents in Dashboards, Reports, Exports and In-Page Analytics
- Explore data: read data from Explorer
- Handle data: manipulate data from Data Query, Segments, Custom Metric, Dashboard Manager, Report Manager, API Accounts, and display Data Management
- Set up tagging: configure tags and check collection in Data Collection Portal
- Manage Data Flows: edit Data Flows
- Configure solution: edit Settings
Organisation tools:
- Edit Data Model: validate properties and enrichment
- Document reader: Read data
- Business user: Document reader + Explore data
- Analyst: Business user + Handle data
- Advanced analyst: Analyst + Setup tagging + Manage Data Flows + Configure solution
- Custom: pick tools to create your most suited role (ex: Read data and Set up tagging)
- Data Supervisor: Edit Data Model
Please note that custom roles will automatically suggest associated tools (Explore data cannot be ticked without Read data), and already existing matching roles.
2. Pick sites
You can pick sites by ticking them on the desired site line (1). You can also pick all sites (all current sites) or all current and future sites (2). To check your selection, you may use the Selected filter on top the site selection (3).
3. Pick users
You can pick users by ticking them at the beginning of the desired line(s) (1). You can also pick all users (all current users) or all current and future users (2). To check your selection, you may use the Selected filter on top the users selection (3).
Group edition
You can edit a group by going on its page and click on the top right Edit button. You will then go through the same 3 steps detailed in the group creation process and be able to edit each section's configuration.
Group deletion
You can delete a group by going on its page and click on the top right Delete button. Users will no longer be able to access the sites based on this group (but they may still access it based on other groups).
Export groups
You can export your groups and their attributes (name, role, number of users, number of sites, delegation) by clicking on the dedicated button above the global group table.