About Batch
Batch is a marketing platform for managing push notification and inApp message campaigns. Thousands of applications use Batch to manage the sending of push notifications, to automatically segment audiences (new users, engaged users, etc.) and to do so predictively.
Learn more on https://batch.com/.
PA Connect Batch
Activate your data with the PA Connect Batch. This integration enables you to better communicate with your customers, by automating the sending of notifications based on reliable, comprehensive data. The partnership between Piano Analytics and Batch helps you get the most out of both tools, avoiding any siloing of your data.
Track the opening of push / in-app Batch notifications from Piano Analytics. Engage personalized audiences with segmented Piano Analytics data. Monitor the performance of your push notification campaigns in easy-to-use dashboards.
Connector principles (PA SDK version)
The first configuration concerns the implementation of the Dispatcher SDK Batch, which enables events to be sent to Piano Analytics. It will then be necessary to set up push notifications/inApp messages via the Batch interfaces. These push notifications can be tagged with campaigns, so that they can be tracked directly in Piano Analytics.
You can then play around with the Piano Analytics interfaces to build your datasets, then decide to import your audience segments directly into Batch from their dedicated interface.
Push notification = campaign as source
In App = event onsite Ad
Prerequisites :
- Have a Piano Analytics account
- Have a Batch account
- Implement Batch Dispatcher to benefit from the integration. Android / iOS.
Tracking Batch data
Piano Analytics only allows you to associate a single campaign with each visit on your application (as a traffic source). However, Batch allows you to trigger several campaigns per visit.
To solve this problem, Batch data is sent to two Piano Analytics modules: the On-Site Advertising module and the Marketing Sources module.
On Site Ad Module:
The Batch Piano-dispatcher can send two types of events to Piano Analytics:
Onsitead native events (standard Batch Piano-dispatcher configuration):
- publisher.impression
- publisher.click
Custom events (you need to add the associated Batch Piano-dispatcher configuration, but also to declare the custom events on your PA Data Model):
- batch_notification_open : triggered when a push notification is displayed
- batch_in_app_show : triggered when a push notification is clicked
- batch_in_app_close : triggered when an in-app message is explicitly closed by the user (using the close button or a CTA)
- batch_in_app_auto_close : triggered when an in-app message is closed by the auto-close timer.
- batch_in_app_click : triggered when an in-app Click-To-Action is clicked or when the in-app is touched (unless the CTA is a close, in which case a "close" event is triggered).
The data retrieved (Piano Analytics properties) in each of the above events are as follows:
- onsitead_type: type of Onsite campaign measured
- onsitead_advertiser: advertiser associated with Onsite ad campaigns
- onsitead_campaign: details of Onsite advertising campaigns
- onsitead_format: format associated with Onsite advertising campaigns
Marketing Sources Module :
The Batch Dispatcher allows you to take into account the "at_" and "utm" marketing campaign tagging that you set up via your push notifications and In-App messages (see following section of this documentation). This enables you to define a source for each visit to your application.
Only the first campaign detected during a visit is available in Piano Analytics (retrieved via the visit's first event). However, it is possible to force the marketing source of a visit even if we have already retrieved another one from past events, by setting the "src_force" Boolean parameter to "true".
Parameters available and mandatory when setting up a marketing campaign:
- at_medium : global family for campaign
- at_campaign : name of the campaign that generated a visit on your site
- utm_medium
- utm_campaign
Setting up your communication channels on Batch
Push campaigns tracking
The dispatcher collects the "at_" or "utm_" parameters from the deeplink URL and your campaign's custom payload. You can use either one or the other. If both are filled, the "at_" / "utm_" parameters from the custom payload will take precedence over the deeplink parameters.
In-App messages campaigns tracking
The dispatcher collects the "at_"/"utm" parameters from the deeplink URL and the Tracking ID field of your campaign.
Displaying results in Piano Analytics
Now that mobile push notification and in-App tracking is enabled, you can track the results of your campaigns in Piano Analytics as shown in the following capture:
Sending PA segments to Batch
You can then create segments in Data Query and send them to Batch. They will be available in Batch as custom audiences. Segments can be sent in CSV format to an FTP server (to be defined with Batch).
Additional resources
- Technological partner page Batch x Piano Analytics - https://batch.com/partners/piano-analytics
- Documentation for the Event Dispatcher Android - https://doc.batch.com/android/advanced/event-dispatchers
- GitHub Batch Piano Analytics Dispatcher Android - https://github.com/BatchLabs/Batch-Android-atinternet-dispatcher
- Documentation Event Dispatcher iOS - https://doc.batch.com/ios/advanced/event-dispatchers
- GitHub Batch Piano Analytics Dispatcher iOS - https://github.com/BatchLabs/Batch-iOS-piano-dispatcher/blob/master/Sources/BatchPianoDispatcher/BatchPianoDispatcher.swift