About Didomi
Didomi offers solutions that allow companies to manage user consent for data protection and to comply with regulations such as GDPR.
On the other hand, consumers freely choose which data to share in order to maintain a privileged connection with their favorite brands. Among their solutions is a Consent Management Platform (CMP) that collects billions of consents worldwide each month, a Preference Center (PC) adopted by many brands, as well as a set of solutions that help organizations improve their management of consent and preferences.
To learn more, visit: https://www.didomi.io/.
PA Connect Didomi
The PA Connect Didomi allows you to implement a Piano Analytics audience measurement strategy in compliance with the latest recommendations from the CNIL and other international entities. Quickly deploy our various privacy methods (exemption, hybrid measure, opt-in, opt-out, etc.) and activate them with just a few clicks from your Didomi CMP interface. You can find more information about our methods in the Privacy Help Center.
Reminder :
The GDPR, along with national laws interpreting the ePrivacy directive, currently regulate the use of personal data and the conditions for using trackers on your digital platforms. Improper configuration can expose you to regulatory measures from supervisory authorities (such as limiting or suspending data processing, deleting data, revoking certification), actions from users or their representative associations, financial penalties, as well as the handling of poor-quality data.
Connector principles
This document aims to guide you through the activation of the Hybrid measure using PA Connect Didomi. Hybrid measure combines the best of both worlds by allowing you to combine CNIL exemption with consent (opt-in).
Prerequisites for implementing Hybrid measure with PA Connect Didomi:
- Have a Didomi account.
- Have a Piano Analytics account.
- Ensure compliance with CNIL exemption: configure your organization settings and define what is strictly necessary. For more information, refer to this article -> The implementation requires communication with Piano Analytics Support team.
Setting up the integration in Didomi
Setting up the opt-out link
When implementing the Hybrid measure, it is essential to provide a dedicated page for users to refuse to give their consent. By visiting this page, visitors will have the option to activate the "opt-out" mode, which signifies the cessation of data collection.
The first step is to create a notice and set up the opt-out link on your privacy page from the "Consent Notices" section. In the Didomi console, go to the "Consent Notices" interface through the left-hand menu to create or edit the notice related to the use of Piano Analytics.
Through this interface, you will be able to configure the display of your cookie banner by following several steps. In the second step, "Look and Feel" scroll down to reach the "Preferences - Purposes" section to set up the link to your privacy page, which will host the "opt-out" link.
You can then edit the content of the text displayed at the top of the CMP notice when displaying preferences. Add the following statement to the existing text to offer the opt-out option for Piano Analytics audience measurement, which is exempted by default:
Nous utilisons également des traceurs exemptés du recueil de consentement pour le dépôt des cookies de mesure d'audience. Vous pouvez utiliser une fonction d'opt-out via notre <a href="https://www.example.com/opt-out-link">politique de confidentialité</a>.
You can customize this text according to your needs. Do not forget to edit the link to point to your privacy policy page (where the Piano Analytics opt-out link is located). You can also use the {privacyPolicyURL} macro if necessary.
Select the "Piano (Hybrid Analytics)" Vendor
The next step, "Vendors & Purposes," is to add the "Piano (Hybrid Analytics)" Vendor to your notice:
This vendor includes by default an Audience Measurement purpose.
You can also create personalized vendors and purposes which will have their own SDK IDs (to be used in the code provided below - red parts).
You can then publish this configuration using the “Save & Publish” button.
Privacy tag deployment (PA SDK)
Now that everything is perfectly configured in the Didomi console, you must add the following code on your website in order to implement the Piano Analytics hybrid measure:
window.didomiOnReady = window.didomiOnReady || [];
Here is the code that allows visitors to switch to opt-out mode (example using a button ID #optout-piano):
window.didomiOnReady.push(function (Didomi) {
// Check the consent status for the Piano Analytics vendor
const userStatus = Didomi.getCurrentUserStatus();
const defaultStatus =
userStatus.vendors.hasOwnProperty("pianohybr-R3VKC2r4") &&
if (defaultStatus) {
// If the consent status is true, activate the opt-in visitor mode
} else {
// Else, if the visitor mode is not "opt-out", then activate the essential mode
if (pa.consent.getMode() == null || pa.consent.getMode() !== "opt-out") {
window.didomiOnReady = window.didomiOnReady || [];
window.didomiOnReady.push(function (Didomi) {
const button = document.getElementById("optout-piano");
// Add event handler
button.addEventListener("click", function () {
// Open Didomi Transaction
const transaction = Didomi.openCurrentUserStatusTransaction();
// Disable a purpose
// Disable a vendor
// Save user choices
You can find our "Consent Management" Privacy marking methods here.
- Deployment of the opt-out button
You must deploy an opt-out button on your privacy page. Below is a suggested text and button code:
« Les cookies Piano Analytics sont exemptés de la nécessité d'obtenir le consentement, comme indiqué dans l’Arrêt CNIL n ° 2020-091, dans la mesure où ils sont strictement nécessaires au bon fonctionnement du site. Vous pouvez refuser le traitement de vos données personnelles de navigation en activant cette option. Veuillez noter qu’en cliquant sur le bouton suivant, nous ne pourrons plus mesurer et améliorer nos sites de manière optimale. »
Button code:
<button id="optout-piano">Opt Out</button>
The "optout-piano" ID is the link between the button and the privacy tag deployed previously.
PA Connect Didomi is now activated! Here is an overview of the final rendering in the Didomi consent notice deployed on a demo site:
Privacy analysis in Piano Analytics
Once PA Connect Didomi is activated, the Privacy analysis present in Piano Analytics will be automatically fed according to the users' choice. For example, you can access visitor mode (exempt / opt-in) in Explorer's Privacy analysis (Audience> Privacy):
You can also filter on the values of these properties in your various analysis. Here is an example of traffic sources analysis based on visitor mode (exempt / opt-in) and visitor consent mode (true / false):
Or even integrate them into your Data Query datasets. For example, you can consult the user identification and personal data, using the visitor mode filtered on the value optin:
Additional resources
Here is a list of additional resources that can help you understand this Privacy topic and deploy this connector.
- Privacy Center : All the knowledge to bring privacy and GDPR compliance to your analytics - https://support.piano.io/hc/en-us/sections/4467720428178
-Privacy Developer documentation: Technical information about our various Privacy methods -https://developers.atinternet-solutions.com/javascript-en/advanced-features-javascript-en/privacy-javascript-en/
- Partner's documentation: https://developers.didomi.io/cmp/web-sdk/third-parties/direct-integrations/at-internet