About Kameleoon
Kameleoon is an A/B testing and personalisation solution designed to help marketing teams provide optimised, personalised experiences to each visitor without technical limitations.
Kameleoon’s solutions are based on an architecture that uses real-time visitor data, as well as predictive algorithms capable of identifying optimal segments for personalisation campaigns.
To learn more, visit http://www.kameleoon.com/
PA Connect Kameleoon
Put your data into action with the PA Connect Kameleoon. By automating the sending of your AB test data, this integration enables you to create better digital experiences for your customers.
The results and statistics of the A/B tests are available directly in Piano Analytics solution. The integration of Piano Analytics and Kameleoon technology combines the power of an accurate analytics solution with A/B test results: custom reports, post-hoc segmentation, “edge effect” control.
Connector principles
You can activate the connector in a few clicks directly in the Kameleoon interface. The data then automatically goes to the MV Testing section of Piano Analytics.
Setting up the integration in Kameleoon
Log in to your personal space on https://back-office.kameleoon.com, click on "Admin" section on the left sidebar menu:
From the integration lists, you will see two connectors:
- "AT Internet - SmartTag" : connector working with the SmartTag tracker, version <5.21 (AS2 Tagging)
- "Piano Analytics" : connector working with our latest SDK PA tracker, but also with the SmartTag tracker, version >5.21 (PA Tagging event)
By default, the tool is not installed. This is signaled by this icon:
The first step is to install and validate the “Piano Analytics” (or "AT Internet - SmartTag") connector on the Integrations page.
With a click on “Install the tool”, you will be able to select the websites on which you want to activate, so that information can be correctly reported to Piano Analytics.
If you select more than one website, a checkbox appears “Use the same setting for all selected sites”. By default, the box is checked. If you leave it checked, the same site number will be used for all websites.
If you uncheck the box, you will be able to switch between all selected websites in the drop-down list at the top. You will have to give a number for each selected website.
You can also check the "Smarttag variable" box if you have Smarttag version >5.21. You will then need to enter the name of the variable used to initialize the tracker:
Once you have configured the tool and click on “Validate” in the bottom-right corner, the configuration panel closes. You will then see a “ON” toggle on the right of the tool’s line, as well as the number of websites the tool is configured on.
Activate Piano Analytics on a Campaign
Once the "Piano Analytics" connector has been installed on the integrations page, it is now possible to activate it from the experiments editor. To do so, click on "Edit in code editor" of an experiment, then in "Finalize" edit "Tracking and goals" to define Piano Analytics as the measurement tool:
Data transmission
As soon as Piano Analytics has been activated and defined as a reporting tool in a campaign, the experiment and variation ID and name will be sent automatically every time a visitor sees a variation of an active Kameleoon A/B experiment.
Displaying Kameleoon data in Piano Analytics
To access your tests’ results analysis, go to the “Content” section of the menu, then to the “MV Testing” section.
The list of your tests appears in the table at the bottom of the page. On the graph above, the curves represent the he selected tests’ results evolution.
Clicking on the arrow on the left of the test title, a diagram is displayed showing the number of visits generated on the reference and the tested variations of the page.
Additional resources
- Partner's website: https://www.kameleoon.com/en
- Partner's documentation: https://help.kameleoon.com/setting-up-piano/#Enable_Piano_Analytics_integration_on_Kameleoon