About Tealium
Tealium is the leader in real-time unified marketing solutions, helping brands seamlessly integrate their siloed applications and data, and drive more profitable interactions across all digital touch points. Tealium’s open platform for tag management and data enrichment enables marketers to bring order to chaos and build better customer experiences. Founded in 2008, Tealium was recently named to the Inc. 500, which recognises the fastest-growing private companies in America. The company’s award-winning solutions are used by hundreds of global enterprises, including Lufthansa, Orange, Lenovo, Urban Outfitters, Snow + Rock and TomTom.
Learn more at www.tealium.com.
Differentiating points
- Ecosystem composed of 1000 integrations
- Reliable and proven architecture
- Data protection and privacy
- Full data control
- Dynamic data layer management
- Unified client data sources
- Data Governance
AT Connect Tealium
AT Connect Tealium ensures you time savings on the implementation of your web analytics tools. A Tag Management System allows you to manage the life cycle of your tags without the need for coding. Deploy and configure your Piano Analytics variables via an intuitive interface without technical knowledge.
This connector allows you to improve the performance of your digital strategy and your marketing campaigns, in respect of your users’ data and the associated regulations.
- Centralised tag management: Consolidate the management of all your tags in a single interface and collect data from all your digital device (sites, mobile applications, etc.).
- Quick deployment: Simplify tag deployment and management without the need for your technical teams and improve your site’s performance. Take control of your marking in total autonomy without the help of your IT teams.
- Optimise your marketing performance: Unify your marketing campaigns across all your channels. Don’t miss any opportunities to generate revenue by accelerating the launch of your various campaigns through rapid implementation.
- Standard integration: Benefit from Piano Analytics Tag integrated as standard in Tealium as well as 950 other markers. Connect Piano Analytics to the different solutions that compose your digital ecosystem.
- Respect privacy rules and consent: Protect your users’ privacy. Easily manage compliance with consent and data privacy rules.
Connector functioning
The AT Connect Tealium allows you to configure and deploy Piano Analytics tagging within a centralised interface. The entire Piano Analytics marking library is directly integrated into the Tealium Tag Management System.
The connector is activated in a few clicks, you just have to deploy Tealium technology on your sites/applications and set up the Piano Analytics tracking in your TMS.
Click here for the Tealium site: https://my.tealiumiq.com/
Presentation of the Tealium interface
This interface is the home of your IQ Tag Management solution. It gives you an overview of your configuration.
You can access these different elements:
- Account: Account name / profile / version of the deployed tag
- Synthesis: Number of tags deployed / variables / rules / Extensions
- Tag report: Number of visits / Loading uTag
- Recent changes: Change history
Data layer
The Data Layer interface allows you to add, configure and manage the variables composing your tags or Tealium extensions (external and internal variables).
The Data Layer defines the variables of your website, such as the site language or page name, as well as the important behaviours of the users you want to track, such as purchases and connections.
You can define 5 types of variables:
UDO variables: data layer variables (utag_data). JavaScript variable: variables present in your site. Metadata element: content of a tag <meta> of the source code (<meta name="author" content="Tealium" />). First party Cookie: cookies stored on the customer domain. Querystring parameter: variable built from the querystring of the loaded page. |
You may also encounter DOM (pre-constructed variables) and AudienceStream (imported via the enrichment feature from AudienceStream) variables.
You can get more information about a variable by clicking on it. You will then know in which tags, loading rules or extensions the selected variable is used.
You can of course modify these variables and categorise them by adding labels if necessary.
Loading rules
Loading rules are conditions that define when and where to load a tag. Loading rules correspond to one or more logical conditions that, when verified, cause the tag to load.
It is, for example, possible to trigger a tag on a specific page depending on the value returned in the querystring of the page, or on variables present in the page.
This interface centralises the tags used on this profile. Tealium offers more than 950 tags. A tag loaded via Tealium IQ will be executed in the same way as the one used in your pages. A Tealium IQ tag has the following characteristics:
Tag configuration - The tag settings (e. g. account ID).
Loading rules - The condition that determines when to load the tag on your site.
Data Mapping - The configuration that sends data to the tag using the values of the Data Layer.
You have the possibility to activate or deactivate a tag (ON/OFF cursor). All tags have a UID that identifies them.
Extensions allow you to add customisations to your Data Layer and tags without the need for coding. They are used for various purposes, such as modifying Data Layer values, configuring cookies, or configuring click tracking. You can modify values before or after tag execution. The activation or deactivation is done via an ON/OFF slider. Adding labels can help you organise these elements.
The most common types of extensions are:
- JavaScript code: free JS script
- Attach data values: concatenate X values together
- Reference table: translate values (e.g. replace an ID with text)
- Set Data Values: Gives a value to a variable under certain conditions
Versions and publications
This interface gathers the history of all versions put into production (Dev, Qa and Prod) including comments and the user behind this version. The version number is the best way to check that your changes are online on the site (date and time of publication). You have the possibility to rollback to a previous version.
You can save your current version and publish the deployment by clicking on the orange button at the top right of your "Save / Publish" interface.
Activate Piano Analytics tagging via Tealium
Below is an example of how to activate Piano Analytics data tracking via Tealium IQ. In order to achieve this integration you must follow several steps:
A- Configure the Data Layer
B- Enable the Piano Analytics tag and map the variables
C- Register / Publish the version
D- Deploy the Tealium utag.js script on your site
Configure the data layer
The first step is to configure the Data Layer variables that will feed the Piano Analytics data. In our example we will define 2 variables that will contain the name of the page (name) and level 2 (level2).
This data will feed the Tealium script like this:
<script type="text/javascript">
var utag_data = {// This is the data layer, it’s a JS object using JSON format
You must therefore go to the "Data Layer" part of Tealium and add a UDO variable.
Below is the example for the variable "level2".
Activate the Piano Analytics tag and associate the variables
You must then activate the Piano Analytics tag by going to the "Tags" part of your Tealium IQ interface. The tag is available in the Tealium marketplace.
You can then configure the Piano Analytics tag (site number, collection domain, etc.), the tag loading rules (on all pages, on specific pages, etc.) and map the variables previously defined in the Data Layer.
Here is an example of mapping the data of the "level2" variable created in the Data Layer. You can assign the Level 2 parameter of the Piano Analytics Tag as its destination.
Save/Publish the version
Once the Piano Analytics tag has been configured and activated, you can publish the version by clicking on the orange "Save / Publish" button located at the top right of your interface. You must fill in the title and remarks fields. You can choose the environment concerned by this publication (Dev, Qa and Prod).
Deploy the Tealium utag.js script on your site
In this last step you must access the Tealium center code, accessible from the drop-down menu located at the top right of your interface (on your account). You can then retrieve the JS script to place on your website.
This utag.js script is the only script to be deployed on the site to make this integration work. It is this file that will be in charge of triggering all associated tags present in the Tealium configuration. The scripts xtcore.js or smarttag.js will therefore not be directly present in the source code of the website.
Check the functionning of Tealium
Once the deployment is complete, you have the possibility to check its proper functioning. For example, you can download the Tealium browser extension to launch.
Finally, you can also check the presence and content of the scritp utag.js in the browser console.
Sales Insights Tracking in Tealium IQ
The Piano Analytics tag available in Tealium IQ allows users to track the data coming from Sales Insights, our avdanced e-commerce module. Thanks to this plugin you can track transaction, cart and product events.
All the Sales Insights events are natively available in the plugin. You can map your e-commerce variables with the Sales insights events you want to use. You have to “add a destination” in the Piano Analytics plugin configuration in order to create the Sales Insights mapping.
The first thing to know is how to configure a trigger for the event that you want to send. This is done in the “E-Commerce – Events” menu.
Here, the productdisplay event will be triggered if the mapped variable (called order_event in this case) contains the string “product_display_event”. The same principle applies to all events.
This step is mandatory: if an event does not have a trigger, it will not be sent.
In the “E-commerce” menu (just below “E-commerce – Events”) you can access the Sales Insights events dropdown list with with Cart Display, Cart Update, Product Display, etc. Each different event has a few variables associated to it, to which you can map the values that you want.
Here are a few examples, providing a very basic Sales Insights datalayer and the corresponding mappings in Tealium :
Note : product data needs to be separated into arrays to fit the Tealium implementation.
This will send a productdisplay event with a list of products and product IDs. The minimum required parameters for this event are the product IDs.
Important : make sure to map the product IDs to “productdisplay.product.id”, as seen in the capture above. Sometimes the destination may appear as “productdisplay.product.productId”, which is not correct. If that is the case, you should manually edit the destination and change it to “productdisplay.product.id”.
This will send a productaddition event with a cart ID, and a list of products and product IDs. The minimum required parameters for this event are the cart ID and the product IDs.
Note : as you can see, you are able to create multiple mappings for the same variable, which is useful in order the map the same data to multiple events (in this case, productdisplay and productaddition), or even to create a trigger for multiple events at the same time.
This will send a cartdisplay event with a cart ID and a cart quantity. The minimum required parameter for this event is the cart ID.
This will send a transactionconfirm event with a transaction ID and a cart ID. The minimum required parameter for this event is the transaction ID. Additionally, here is what the hit resulting from this tracking looks like:
The sales data is contained in the “events” parameter, which is built like a standard JSON object. Looking at the hit can be a good way to check if your events have been triggered properly and with the correct data.
Here is the link to the official documentation of the Piano Analytics plugin in Tealium community platform : https://community.tealiumiq.com/t5/Client-Side-Tags/AT-Internet-SmartTag-Setup-Guide/ta-p/30948
Activating this partnership activates the exchange of data between Tealium and Piano Analytics. Only the data necessary for the proper functioning of the bridge are exchanged.