The data related to the App analytics properties dedicated to mobile devices was supplied based on the activation of one option per site. The associated dimensions were based on click and page events.
In Piano Analytics, all events are linked to the Mobile App analytics properties and tagging takes precedence over model activation.
Class name (app_crash_class)
Previously, the app_crash_class property was forced into lowercase letters. It is now case sensitive.
There may be differences.
1st SESSION Date (app_fsd)
In Analytics Suite, the value of the app_fsd property was based on a table that listed all users with the date of their very first login. This value was retained even when the value changed in the hit. This could lead to inconsistencies with other App analytics properties that were based on the hit value. In Piano Analytics, the user table no longer exists, and the hit value is restored.
ID App (app_id)
In Analytics Suite, the app_id property was forced in lowercase letters. In Piano Analytics, it is case sensitive.
ID session App (app_sessionid)
The format of the app_sessionid property is different in Piano Analytics. This change will not affect your analyses.
Example of an old session identifier:
Example of a new session identifier:
session STATUS (app_session_status)
The calculation of the session status is based on new properties introduced with Piano Analytics.
app Version (app_version)
In Analytics Suite, the app_version property had a Visit scope, i.e. its value was based on the first page event of the visit and retained for all the events of the visit. In Piano Analytics, it has an event scope so its value may change during a visit. This change can lead to measurement variations in your analyses.