Analytics Suite
AT Internet provides the Explorer analysis of Audience > General Traffic > Privacy, enabling you to visualise quantitative, excluded and anonymous traffic data from the following systems:
No cookie consent
Sourced from the non-placement of cookies via the dedicated tagging method implemented on the downloading of the first page of the first visit prior to consent.
This information appears in the Privacy analysis if the exclusion of non-cookied traffic has been activated.
No cookie browser
Sourced from browsers refusing cookie placement
This information appears in the Privacy analysis if the exclusion of non-cookied traffic has been activated.
Sourced from opt-out mechanisms on your platforms.
Custom exclusion
Sourced from excluded IPs or cookies via your Analytics Suite configuration.
Analytics Suite Delta
In the Delta Analytics Suite privacy analysis, the detection of consent is based on the visitor mode setting and its expected values:
The visitor has given their consent.
User identification can begin and all the AT Internet cookies can be placed.
Personal data and user ID may be transmitted.
The visitor has not given their consent.
Visitor identification is authorised and dedicated cookies may be placed (idrxvr,atidx,atid or atuserid).
Personal data and user ID may not be transmitted.
Visitor identification is defined as ‘no-consent’ without cookie placement.
Personal data and user ID may not be transmitted.
Via option, data is anonymised and excluded from general traffic.
All cookies are defined with the OPT-OUT value.
Data is anonymised and excluded from general traffic.