In Piano Analytics it is possible to populate the Goal Type property to identify events that correspond to the achievement of a goal.
Previously, the goal declaration was done by declaring a goal page with a primary or secondary type, and then receiving a hit containing a page load.
The Goal Type property enables users to declare a wider variety of objectives.
Tagging goal types
In order to populate the Goal Type property directly from the tag, make sure that:
- You are using a recent version of SmartTag (JS: 5.21.0 / Android: 2.17.0 / iOS: 2.18.0) or a Piano SDK.
- You are using the custom property setting method described in our developer documentation with the following tag, taking care to edit the goal value:
tag.setProp('goal_type', 'objectivevalue');
or for Piano SDK (developer documentation):
By adding this tag to your relevant events with objectives you will inform, for each event, the corresponding value for the property goal type.