We divide the variables of the query string of the hit with the sign &. After each sign &, we count a new parameter. The & sign, therefore, takes precedence over the brackets surrounding a label.
The following rules should apply to the wording:
- No accented characters
- No space (spaces should be replaced by underscores, i.e "_")
- No characters other than letters and numbers (do not use commas, "+", quotations marks or apostrophes).
Authorized characters are:
- Letters (abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz (upper or lower case))
- The numbers 1234567890
- Periods/dots .
- Slashes /
- Dash –
- Underscores _
- Tildes ~
Please note that special characters can be used provided that they are encoded. For instance, instead of "cars&motorbikes", please use "cars%26motorbikes".