If you are using at_medium campaigns and an event based tagging, you may be having non translated source types.
SmartTag will extract the value of the at_medium to convert it into the hit.
When using a AS2 tagging, the hit benefits from a conversion in xtor parameters so that the campaign can be translated and processed by AS2 and Piano Analytics.
Tagging | Hit | Result |
at_medium=sl | xtor=SEC | Sponsored links |
When using an event based tagging, the hit sends directly the values of the at_medium to allow more flexibility in sources management.
Tagging | Hit | Result |
at_medium=sl | src_medium=sl | sl |
To find the matching values on an event based tagging you may rely on 2 options:
1. Edit the campaign tagging
If you are using an event based tagging (this solution doesn't feed data in AS2), you will only have to edit the values to return the final values directly.
Example :
Former tagging | New tagging |
at_medium=sl | at_medium=Sponsored%20links |
at_medium=display | at_medium=Advertisement |
at_medium=email | at_medium=Email%20marketing |
at_medium=affiliate | at_medium=Affiliation%20and%20partners |
2. Edit the src_medium rule
In Data Management, you can change the src_medium property_rule so that it converts the tagging values into displayable values.
Setp 1:
In Data Management > Configurations > Match tables, create a new match table labeled "Sources types".
You do not need to activate case-sensitivity.
Add the following values:
key | values |
sl | Sponsored%20links |
display | Advertisement |
Email%20marketing | |
affiliate | Affiliation%20and%20partners |
Step 2:
In Data Management > Property > src_medium > Processing, edit your rule to add a first TAG FIRST PRINCIPLE condition block just like this:
IF tag parameter src_medium type string is not empty
THEN the property is set with the value of the tag parameter src_medium type string
Add an action > Replace > Match table.
Select the match table "Sources types".
Tick the checkbox "If the key has no matching value, the initial value of the key is kept" to keep other types of sources.
Save and deploy your rule.