Of course, it is possible to combine 2 different tracking within the same URL.
Since it is only possible to have a single query ('?' Character) within a URL, we suggest that you opt for the following structure:
Tagging V2 (AS2 / Delta / Piano Analytics SDK) - we recommend you to use this method:
Tagging Xtor (AS2 et Delta only) :
The '&' character lets you notice the distinction between Google and AT tagging.
Piano Analytics SDK
Although collected by default and populate into the associated event properties, the UTMs in your marketing links will not modify the source of the visits.
In order to collect the UTMs of your links and take them into account as sources of your visits, you can modify your configuration, and more precisely the value of "campaignPrefix" by adding the value 'utm_'.
campaignPrefix: ['at_','utm_']
The priority given to the source of the visit will be relative to the first item in the list (here, "at_").
If no tagging thanks to the "at_" prefix is detected in the link, the second element is analysed (here, "utm_"). You could also keep only the "utm_" value in your configuration, to take into account your UTMs only.
You can find more information on this topic by following this link: https://developers.atinternet-solutions.com/piano-analytics/data-collection/how-to-send-events/marketing-campaigns#utm-management.