The custom marketing source allows you to create an entire custom marketing campaign with custom sources and campaign labels.
Whether it be for the last version of the Piano Analytics SDK or with a smarttag use older than version 5.29.2 the use of "at_" parameters in your campaign links are mandatory.
Furthermore, the campaign link must have the "at_medium" and "at_campaign" parameters to be considered as a custom marketing source.
- Smarttag >= 5.29.2
To use a custom marketing source, it is mandatory to use a complete custom link.
Indeed, according to the developer documentation linked to the subject, the "at_medium" parameter must not be equal to the following values :
- sl
- display
- affiliate
And should not start with the value "custom".
The "at_campaign" parameter can be defined with a complete custom label. For example:
- Piano Analytics SDK
The use of marketing campaign links in piano analytics is based on a "self-declaration" principle of campaigns and sources.
You can declare your campaign links using the labels you want.
The Piano Analytics tool is case-sensitive, which means that if you want to have several campaigns linked to a unique source, it is mandatory to keep the same label in the "at_medium" parameter.
For example, for links with the following parameters:
The campaigns "CodeA" and "CodeB" will be classified with the custom source "Code" in Piano Analytics.
You will find more details by consulting the dedicated documentation.