Visitors | Number of visitors in a day. This number is aggregated on a daily basis for your period. A visitor is identified thanks to the identifier passed along by the operating systems (IDFV, UUID, GAI, ...). |
Unique Visitors | Number of deduplicated visitors over a given period that have initiated visits with or without page loads. |
New visitors | Number of visitors who launched the app for the first time or relaunch it after an uninstall. Over a day, a visitor can only have a single status: new or returning. |
Returning visitors | Number of visitors who are not new. |
Sessions | Grouping of events starting when the app is launched or put in the foreground, and ending when the app is put in the background for more than 60 seconds (by default) or is closed down completely. |
First sessions | Number of sessions after a first launch of the app, or relaunch after uninstalling. |
New visitors sessions | Number of sessions by a new visitor. |
Returning visitors sessions | Number of sessions by a returning visitor. |
Time spent / sessions | Time spent on the app before closing it or putting it in the background. |
Loads / Sessions | Number of page loads divided by the number of sessions, which gives you an average of the number of pages loaded by visitors during each of their sessions. |
Day of first session | Day of the week that first sessions occurred over your analysis period. |
Month of first session | Month that first sessions occurred over your analysis period. |
Days since last session | Number of days that have passed since the app was used last. A value of 0 means at least two sessions were detected the same day. |
Days since first session | Number of days that have passed since the app was first used. |
Recent visitors | Visitors whose first session was less than 7 days ago (compared to the analysis period). |
Neutral visitors | Visitors whose first session was between 7 and 30 days ago (compared to the analysis period). |
Engaged visitors | Visitors whose first session was over 30 days ago and whose last session was less than 2 days ago (compared to the analysis period). |
Occasional visitors | Visitors whose first session was over 30 days ago and whose last session was more than 7 days ago (compared to the analysis period). |
Crash or error | Technical incident closing the app and affecting user experience. |
Retention graph
Depending on the granularity (day or week), this matrix enables you to see the recurrence of an app being used by a group of visitors. This way you can judge the efficacy of specific factors (installs, campaigns, event, content, etc.) over a given period.