The automatic integration of Composer and VX event data into Piano Analytics provides many new insights that help to optimize the performance of Composer experiences and the subscription journey. In addition to the reporting interface, you will also find many useful pre-computed metrics that can be leveraged in the default dashboards and are available for self-service analysis in the data query.
Composer board
When you log in to Activation Insights, you will be taken to Explorer, which has a series of predefined reporting boards that are selectable along the left rail. Near the bottom, you will find the Composer board.
There are two pages on the Composer board — Conversions and Experiences. This Composer board enables you to analyze the performance across all experiences in one place.
Conversions page
Within the Composer board, there is a conversions page that has three tabs across the top with reports structured in a way to quickly identify conversion details across all Composer activities. Evaluating all conversion types together is data challenging since comparing paid vs unpaid types together should not happen. In the following sections, we provide a clear understanding of how the acquisition flow is successful for different strategies.
- Overview
- Conversion types
- Conversion by terms
1. Overview report
In the Overview report, users can analyze 5 basic metrics by default.
Experience converted visitors
- Definition: Number of visitors with at least one experience conversion for all terms.
- Calculation: All distinct visitors having composer.conversion or vx.conversion event with Experience ID assigned.
Experience registration converted visitors
- Definition: Total number of visitors with at least one experience registration conversion for all terms.
- Calculation: All distinct visitors having vx.conversion event with Goal type "Registration term converted" and Experience ID assigned.
Experience payment converted visitors
- Definition: Total number of visitors with at least one experience payment conversion for all terms.
- Calculation: All distinct visitors having vx.conversion event with Goal type "Payment term converted" and Experience ID assigned.
Experience conversion rate (visitor)
- Definition: Overall experience conversion rate (for all terms) calculated on visitor level.
- Calculation: Experience converted visitors / Experience exposed visitors.
Experience turnover
- Definition: Sum of all amounts associated with experience conversion event paid by visitors.
- Calculation: Sum of all values for the property "Amount (incl. tax)" for composer.conversion and vx.conversion event with Experience ID assigned.
More information about each of the available metrics definitions is available here. These overview metrics are customizable and additional metrics related to the Composer conversion page can be found in the dropdown selection next to the top-level metrics:
2. Conversion types
The default selected metric in the main chart is the “Experience converted visitors” metric, which analyzes the volume of conversions by type of conversion in order to easily distinguish paid vs unpaid types of conversions over time. You are able to change the displayed metric using the dropdown in the menu. The type of chart can also be modified.
The table below shows the “Experience converted visitors”, “Experience turnover” and “Turnover per visitor” by the conversion type.
When clicking on a particular conversion type in the chart, a more detailed breakdown is available:
3. Conversion by terms
The default selected metric in the main chart in this tab is the “Experience converted visitors” metric, which analyzes the volume of conversions by term. The term represents the product purchased by Either it is a term defined in VX, a default term type such as AdBlock or the custom term name defined by clients themselves. As with all charts within Activation Insights, you are able to change metrics using the dropdown in the menu and also the type of chart. And by clicking on the term name in the table, you can select or withdraw the term from the chart.
When clicking on a particular conversion type in the chart, the more detailed breakdown is again available:
Experience page
WIthin the Composer board, the experience page has five tabs across the top with reports that help to evaluate and compare the impact of Composer experiences along with providing detailed performance by Composer card and card type. The tabs on the Experience page are as follows:
- Overview
- Performance by experience
- Performance by card action
- Performance by card name
- Performance by template
1. Overview report
In this report, the main metrics help you to understand the performance and reach of experiences across the entire audience. Those metrics are:
- Experience exposed visitors
- Definition: Total number of visitors with at least one experience exposure.
- Calculation: All distinct visitors having experience.action event with property "Is experience exposed?" set to TRUE.
- Experience interaction visitors
- Definition: Total number of visitors with at least one experience interaction (template & offer click except "close button" click).
- Calculation: All distinct visitors having experience.interaction event
- Experience CTR (visitor)
- Definition: Overall click-through rate calculated on visitor level.
- Calculation: Experience interaction visitors / Experience exposed visitors.
- Experience completion rate (visitor)
- Definition: Overall experience completion rate calculated on visitor level.
- Calculation: Experience converted visitors / Experience interaction visitors.
- Average exposure (visitor)
- Definition: Average number of experience exposure events per experience exposed visitors.
- Calculation: Experience exposures / Experience exposed visitors.
More information about metrics definition is available here. Additional metrics related to the Composer experience page can be found in the dropdown selection next to the top-level metrics.
2. Performance by experience
Using this tab you are able to see a complete summary of Composer reach and conversions by experience. The main metrics displayed are “Experience exposed visitors”, “Experience converted visitors”, and “Experience conversion rate (visitor)”. When clicking on the row in the table, the sub-analysis with additional breakdowns appears.
3. Performance by card action
In this report we provide information about the “Experience exposed visitors”, “Experience converted visitors”, and “Experience conversion rate (visitor)” metrics by the action card type. Only action cards that have a visible impact on end-users are included here. Displayed action cards include the “Show offer” and “Show template“ action cards.
The sub-menu breakdown of the “Experience exposed visitors” metric consists of properties:
- Device type
- Card name
- Pages
4. Performance by card name
In this report, you can see a breakdown of the “Experience exposed visitors”, “Experience converted visitors”, and “Experience conversion rate (visitor)” metrics by the card name. If some cards share the same name, they are grouped together. Creating distinct, easily understandable and standardized names for cards in Composer experiences will increase the value of this report.
5. Performance by template
Detailed analysis of templates \triggered by Composer experiences can be found in the last tab of the Experience page on the Composer board. The default metrics in this report include “Experience converted visitors”, “Experience conversion rate (visitor)”, and “Experience CTR (visitor).” These metrics help to evaluate template performance across many experiences with the ability to go into finer details using the Data Query tool as needed.
Additional sub-menu breakdowns for “Experience converted visitors” metrics consist of Goal types (Pre-defined VX and Composer conversion types as “registration”, “payment”, “Adblock disabled”, more available here) Experience name, and Device type.
VX board
The VX board provides data about the most important transaction and subscription events that Piano collects. The analysis is grouped into three topics: Subscriptions, transactions, and lost subscriptions so the performance results can be quickly evaluated at the top level with the ability to do custom breakdowns.
Transactions page
The Transactions page has four reports tabs:
- Overview
- Term
- Billing country
- Refunds
1. Overview report
In this report, the default metrics provide a summary of all transactions occurring within the selected time period. The metrics include:
- Successful transactions
- Definition: Number of successful monetary transactions.
- Calculation: Distinct "Transaction ID" assigned to the events vx.conversion and subscription.action (onsite and offsite).
- VX turnover
- Definition: Amount of money obtained from successful monetary transactions.
- Calculation: Sum of all values for the property "Amount (incl. tax)" for the events vx.conversion and subscription.action (onsite and offsite).
- New VX turnover
- Definition: Amount of money obtained from successful monetary transactions associated with a conversion.
- Calculation: Sum of all values for the property "Amount (incl. tax)" for vx.conversion event (onsite and offsite).
- Renewal VX turnover
- Definition: Amount of money obtained from successful monetary transactions associated with renewal.
- Calculation: Sum of all values for the property "Amount (incl. tax)" for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with "Subscription action" = "Renewed".
- Refunded VX turnover
- Definition: Amount of money refunded on previously successful monetary transactions.
- Calculation: Sum of all values for the property "Amount (incl. tax)" for transaction.refund.offsite event.
More information about metrics definition is available here. Additional metrics related to the VX Transactions report can be found in the dropdown selection next to the top-level metrics.
2. Term
In this report, you can analyze the volume of transactions and VX turnover by terms over time. If you choose to take advantage of Activation Insights’ currency conversion functionality, the turnover metric will convert all currencies to the default currency you’ve selected. To see the breakdown of turnover by different currencies please use the Data Query Tool.
3. Billing country
In this report, you can analyze the volume of transactions and VX turnover by country code over time. If a more detailed analysis is required then there is the ability to directly modify data in the Data Query Tool.
4. Refunds
The refunds section provides the total value of transactions refunded and the volume of refunded transactions.
The subscription page offers insights into subscription events — changes in new or existing subscriptions.
1. Overview report
The top-level subscription metrics that are displayed on overall subscription performance available in Activation Insights are:
- New subscriptions
- Definition: Number of new subscriptions (excl. those created via upgrade).
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for vx.conversion event (onsite and offsite) with property "Created via upgrade?" = FALSE.
- Renewed subscriptions
- Definition: Number of subscriptions renewed into their next billing period.
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Renewed".
- Lost subscriptions
- Definition: Number of lost subscriptions (excl. successfully performed upgrades).
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Canceled"/"Expired"/"Renewal failed, will not retry"/"Upgrade failed".
- Net new subscriptions
- Definition: Difference between new and lost subscriptions.
- Calculation: New subscriptions - Lost subscriptions.
- Complete subscription upgrades
- Definition: Number of successfully completed subscription upgrades.
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Upgrade completed".
2. Billing period
The billing period indicates the length of the subscription (such as monthly or annual). The billing period does not take the trial period into account, meaning that an annual subscription with a one-month trial would be categorized as an annual subscription. If payment is non-recurring that will also be indicated. The default values displayed in the billing period table are “New subscriptions,” “Renewed subscriptions,” and “Lost subscriptions.”
3. Term
For a more detailed breakdown by term use this report on the Subscription page. If the list of terms is too long we recommend grouping terms by billing period. Just use the functionality to add additional breakdown and then order the table by billing period.
Lost subscriptions
This page in the VX board focuses on lost subscriptions and provides details about multiple types of lost subscriptions by term and term renewal period.
In VX we differentiate passive and active churn. Active churn is defined as turning off renewal or immediately cancelling a subscription and providing a refund (often an action taken by your customer service team). Passive churn represents failed payments. More details about the types of lost subscriptions can be found here.
1. Overview report
Subscriptions can churn in a few different ways. Metrics available include:
- Lost subscriptions
- Definition: Number of lost subscriptions (excl. successfully performed upgrades).
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Canceled"/"Expired"/"Renewal failed, will not retry"/"Upgrade failed".
- Canceled subscriptions
- Definition: Number of subscriptions that were lost due to cancellation by the owner or admin. The associated access was revoked immediately.
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Canceled".
- Expired subscriptions
- Definition: Number of subscriptions that were lost because the auto-renew had been disabled prior to the renewal billing attempt, or due to an unsuccessful external verification attempt.
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Expired".
- Failed subscription renewals
- Definition: Number of subscriptions that were lost due to a failed renewal attempt. No further renewal attempt will be performed.
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Renewal failed, will not retry".
- Failed subscription upgrades.
- Definition: Number of subscriptions that were lost due to a failed subscription upgrade.
- Calculation: Distinct subscription IDs for subscription.action event (onsite and offsite) with property "Subscription action" = "Upgrade failed".
Canceled subscriptions and expired subscriptions both relate to active churn because expired subscriptions are the result of auto-renew disablement.
2. Billing period report
Analyzing churn by different billing period lengths provides valuable information that can be used to optimize product offerings. Metrics in the report are “Lost subscriptions”, “Canceled subscriptions”, “Expired subscriptions”, and “Failed subscription renewals.”
3. Term report
For a more detailed breakdown by term use this report on the Lost subscription page. If the list of terms is too long we do recommend to group terms by billing period. Just use the functionality to add additional breakdown.